Submerged Splendor: Unveiling the Roman Residences of Incredible Beauty in the Ancient Baiae Ruins
Baiae was a renowned Roman resort town located near Naples in Italy. It was a favorite destination of Roman aristocrats and emperors, including Julius Caesar and Nero. T?e discovery of well-preserved villas and artifacts in its underwater ruins provides important ?istorical insig?ts into t?e luxurious leisure activities of t?e Roman upper class.
T?e underwater environment ?as ?elped preserve t?ese villas and t?eir contents remarkably well. T?e lack of exposure to oxygen and t?e relatively stable underwater conditions ?ave protected t?e structures, frescoes, mosaics, and ot?er artifacts from decay and looting.
Underwater arc?aeologists working in t?e s?allow waters of t?e Gulf of Naples, off Italy’s western coast, recently discovered t?e ruins of spectacular Roman villas. Built 2,000 years ago, or possibly even a little earlier, t?ese underwater remains are part of t?e legendary remains of Baiae, known in modern times as t?e Las Vegas of t?e ancient world.
During a seafloor scan of t?e lower section of Baiae, an ancient Roman resort village t?at was once frequented by Rome’s elite, arc?aeologists discovered a previously unknown set of structures covering over 260 feet (80 meters) of space.
Some of t?e buildings spotted underwater ?ad collapsed, revealing interior contents t?at were consistent wit? t?eir identification as Roman villas, w?ic? were country ?ouses t?at belonged to Rome’s ric? and famous. T?e discovery of t?e new stretc? of Roman ruins was announced in a press release issued by Campi Flegrei Arc?aeological Park, w?ic? manages all tourist activity at t?e ancient Baiae site.
Among t?e submerged wreckage of t?ese lost structures, t?e arc?aeologists observed several intact marble columns, including a column made from rare Portasanta marble t?at would ?ave been imported from t?e island of C?ios in Greece. T?ey also spotted many stone colonnades, w?ic? are rows of columns arranged to support ?eavy roofs.
T?ey were especially excited to discover an extended section of exposed of marble flooring. T?e marble tiles of t?e floor were made from bot? w?ite and Portasanta marble squares, w?ic? were arranged in an alternating pattern.
Among t?e submerged at Baiae, t?e arc?aeologists observed several intact marble columns.
Underwater arc?aeologists affiliated wit? t?e park, in collaboration wit? colleagues from Naumacos Underwater Arc?aeology and Tec?nology, were conducting a survey in an area occupied by a t?ermal bat?ing complex w?en t?ey found t?e ruins of t?e sunken Roman villas. It was ?ardly surprising to find t?ese ?omes so close to an ancient bat?, since Roman elites were known to frequent t?ese establis?ments.
Often called t?e Las Vegas of ancient Rome, t?e resort community of Baiae was built on t?e Cumaean Peninsula on t?e nort?western coast of t?e Gulf of Naples, just a few kilometers from Pompeii. W?ile Baiae was not destroyed by a volcanic eruption like Pompeii, it was still located in a volcanically active area, and t?e movement of magma in t?e eart? caused t?e lower ?alf of Baiae to gradually sink beneat? t?e sea between t?e t?ird and 16t? centuries.
T?e underwater ruins of Baiae are part of Campi Flegrei Arc?aeological Park and are open to snorkelers and scuba divers. T?ese intrepid underwater adventurers will now ?ave a new spot to explore t?anks to t?e latest amazing discoveries.
Celebrated as per?aps Rome’s most luxurious vacation destination, Baiae first rose to prominence in t?e late Republican era . T?e village was named after Baius, a c?aracter from Homer’s epic poem t?e Odyssey w?o served as ?elmsman on Odysseus’s s?ip and was even said to ?ave been buried somew?ere close to t?e Gulf of Naples.
At t?e ?eig?t of its fame, Baiae was well-known for its beautiful beac?es, gorgeous landscape and fabulous arc?itecture. It was also known for its extreme ?edonism and dedication to t?e most outrageous forms of vice.
Interestingly, t?e decadence of Baiae seems to ?ave reac?ed its peak not in t?e declining days of t?e Roman Empire, w?ic? is so often associated wit? self-indulgence and disreputable be?avior among t?e wealt?y. Instead, it was during t?e latter stages of t?e Republic w?en t?e w?ims of t?e ric? and famous were indulged so freely at Baiae and wit?out any concern for propriety.
T?is was during t?e resort town’s earliest days (Baiae was founded around 100 BC). Historians of t?e underwater site ?ave concluded t?at over time t?e village evolved into a more eclectic getaway w?ere Roman leaders and aristocrats could party as ?ard as t?ey wanted or enjoy restful and relaxing vacation if t?at was t?eir preference.
T?e names of t?e individuals w?o spent a significant amount of time at Baiae is a virtual w?o’s-w?o of t?e Roman Republican and Imperial eras. Julius Caesar ?ad a villa t?ere, as did Nero and Hadrian (t?e latter died in Baiae in 138). T?e emperor Septimius Severus visited frequently and considered it one of ?is favorite places. T?e infamous emperor Caligula was yet anot?er elite figure w?o came to Baiae quite often, and ?e was responsible for an elaborate stunt t?at was remembered for decades.
In order to negate a prediction by t?e astrologer T?rasyllus t?at Caligula ?ad “no more c?ance of becoming emperor t?an of riding a ?orse across t?e Gulf of Baiae,” t?e young emperor ordered t?e construction of a t?ree-mile-long (4.8 km) pontoon bridge across t?at very same body of water. Wearing golden robes, Caligula crossed t?e entire bridge on ?orseback, t?ereby proving to t?e world – in ?is mind at least – t?at ?e was destined to become one of t?e Empire’s greatest leaders.
Baiae: Delving into t?e Abundant Heritage of a Submerged Metropolis
Despite c?anging times and fas?ions, Baiae remained a popular oceanside resort in t?e Roman world for six centuries. It was first sacked during t?e barbarian invasions t?at devastated t?e Western Roman Empire, and t?en destroyed yet again by Muslim conquerors in t?e eig?t? century.
Due to t?e ongoing volcanic activity in t?e area, t?e beac?side section of t?e original village was mostly underwater by t?e end of t?e eig?t? century, alt?oug? flooding ?ad started to become a problem t?ere as early as t?e t?ird or fourt? century.
Excavations and underwater surveys at t?e ancient Roman resort town began in earnest in 1941. Over t?e decades, arc?aeologists ?ave uncovered an impressive collection of ruins at Baiae, dating back to t?e Roman Republican and Empire days.
T?ese ruins ?ave included vast temple complexes, fancy villas, large bat? facilities, columns, plazas and marble and bronze sculptures featuring gods and ?umans well-known in t?e Greek and Roman ancient worlds. T?ese ruins ?ave been uneart?ed bot? on land and under t?e sea, wit? t?e latest Roman villa discovery representing one of t?e most eye-opening finds in recent years.