Unveiling a Heartwarming Secret: Dad Joins Son’s Mission to Aid Stray Dogs

On television and social media, we frequently witness heartbreaking videos and photographs of animal rescues. While we appreciate the acts of kindness of strangers who take in and care for animals, few of us are ready to do the same.

A youngster from the Philippines would frequently leave his house for an extended period of time each day, and when his father became inquisitive, he decided to follow him. This father’s discovery of his son’s behavior caused him both joy and grief since he was proud of what his son was capable of, but he was also saddened by the circumstance he found himself in.

Ken Amante, a 9-year-old child from a distant city in the Philippines, would leave his family home every day. He departed under the guise of going for a stroll, but he wouldn’t inform his father where he was going. He had his father’s complete trust.

He would sneak off every day carrying a backpack full of food

Out of curiosity, Ken’s father decided to follow his son.


Ken’s father got the curious bug one day and wanted to know where his son went on a regular basis, so he decided to find out once and for all. He followed his son out of the house on his so-called walks without saying anything to see what he was up to.

What he witnessed was utterly unexpected. He found out that his youngster left the house on a mission every day. He found that his son was feeding the street dogs in that area after following Ken from a distance. Instead of ignoring the predicament of these animals, Ken decided to do all in his power to help them.

He found his son feeding the street dogs in that area, much to his surprise.

A swarm of malnourished and sickly-looking strays surrounded Ken. These animals, who had previously lived in dread of humans, have grown to really trust Ken. He later recounted that the first time he took food to them, he had to stay 50 meters away and observe from a safe distance since the dogs would not approach the food while he was standing there.

Strays flocked around Ken and they looked at ease around the human

The animals now trust him so much that he may freely pet them. Ken’s father captured pictures of his son in the act and was astounded that he had this much compassion. He put down his camera and rushed to help his son after snapping a few pictures.

All the strays that gathered were malnourished and weak-looking

Because the dogs are stray and are extremely prone to spread illnesses and infections, both father and son have been thoroughly immunized. They also take care to keep the dogs’ cleanliness in mind while they play with them.

The decision to rent a plot of land was made by Ken’s father, who decided to help.


While spending time with the strays, they decided to give three of the regular faces they saw every day names: “Brownie,” “Blackie,” and “White.” Blackie appeared to be the mother of the other two and looked very ill. Despite this, she had remained loyal to her puppies.

They erected a shelter and started a volunteer organization to help these animals.

Ken was resolved to do something to care for these animals that no one else would even look at. Since then, both father and son have started a volunteer organization to help homeless animals in the area. They started their initiative named the “Happy Animals Club” on March 31, 2014, and it has since been a success.

Happy Animals Club has become a huge success, and they are getting a lot of support from the community

They decided to create a special location where they could continue to help the animals. Ken’s father made the decision to rent a plot of land in the area. He protected the plot of land all around it and made it available to all types of animals in need.

Ken holding a happy “White”

Even “Blackie” appears to be healthy and happy after being cared for.

“Brownie” has grown so much since Ken first met him

This only goes to show that no matter how old you are, you can make a difference, and it is never too late or too early to inspire good change.

A youngster from the Philippines would frequently leave his house for an extended period of time each day, and when his father became inquisitive, he decided to follow him. This father’s discovery of his son’s behavior caused him both joy and grief since he was proud of what his son was capable of, but he was also saddened by the circumstance he found himself in.

Ken Amante, a 9-year-old child from a distant city in the Philippines, would leave his family home every day. He departed under the guise of going for a stroll, but he wouldn’t inform his father where he was going. He had his father’s complete trust.

He would sneak off every day carrying a backpack full of food

Out of curiosity, Ken’s father decided to follow his son.

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