Dramatic Rescue Unfolds: Mother Elephant and Calf Safely Extracted from Thailand Manhole

An elephant is craned out of a manhole as a group of rescuers look on

Veterinarians and park staff have pulled off a dramatic rescue of a pair of elephants in Thailand that involved the use of a boom lift, a digger and the resuscitation of an unconscious mother by three people.

The rescue took place in the pouring rain in central Nakhon Nayok province on Wednesday when a one-year-old elephant fell into a roadside drainage hole. The distressed mother stood guard over her calf, according to national park staff, but also fell in shortly after she was sedated.

Rescuers used a truck-mounted boom lift to pull the mother out before climbing on top of her to perform simultaneous cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as a digger cleared away earth so the anxious calf could climb out from the slippery mud.

The calf began suckling its mother, who soon regained consciousness, and both returned immediately to the wild.


A man stands over a sedated mother elephant in the rain

It took the team more than three hours to finish the operation.

Sky News reported that Dr Chananya Kanchanasarak, Khao Yai national park Department vet, said: “It was impossible to get near the baby while the mother was nearby so we gave her three doses of tranquillisers but she moved towards her baby before passing out and hit her head.”

An elephant calf sits in a manhole on top of a drainage pipe

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