Liberation Triumph: Nine Bears Rescued from Vietnam’s Bile Farms Find Freedom

Bear bile extraction was made illegal in Vietnam in 2005, but farmers are still allowed to keep bears as ‘pets’, which provides cover for illegal bear bile farming.

World Animal Protection has been working in partnership with the Forest Protection Department in Vietnam – a central authority in charge of forestry and wildlife (Central FPD) – for a bear microchipping and monitoring program.

Once each bear has a microchip it will be checked in about twice a year to prevent new bears from the wild entering the facilities. In addition, this program is also to convince bear farmers to give up their bears.

“The government of Vietnam must close all remaining legal loopholes and prohibit farmers from keeping their caged bears as pets in order to end the barbaric and illegal practice of bear bile farming.”

Bear bile extraction was made illegal in Vietnam in 2005, but farmers are still allowed to keep bears as ‘pets’, which provides cover for illegal bear bile farming.

World Animal Protection has been working in partnership with the Forest Protection Department in Vietnam – a central authority in charge of forestry and wildlife (Central FPD) – for a bear microchipping and monitoring program.

Once each bear has a microchip it will be checked in about twice a year to prevent new bears from the wild entering the facilities. In addition, this program is also to convince bear farmers to give up their bears.

The rescue

We have worked tirelessly with all three farm owners to convince them to voluntarily surrender the bears to sanctuaries. Due to COVID-19, previous rescue missions had to be postponed. Having spent years trapped in dark, narrow cages, with inadequate food, some of the bears are thin, weak and small.

After lengthy negotiations, the farmers agreed to transfer the nine bears from Binh Duong province. They were moved to a bear sanctuary, run by Four Paws, in Ninh Binh province on 10-11 February.

9 bears rescue vietnam

One of the bears being rescued from Huynh Thi My (Thanh Canh) farm. The bear was anaesthetised and had their health checked, before being put on to the truck. Image: World Animal Protection.

The rescue team visited two farms, last Thursday (10 February ’22). At Vu Van Hien farm, two bears, a 190kg female and a 185kg male, were anesthetised and had health checks before being transported. The second farm, Nguyen Ngoc Tien, voluntarily surrendered four bears who did not need to be anesthetised and even seemed very excited.

The team rescued three more bears from Huynh Thi My farm on Friday, 11 February. They were anesthetised, had health checks, and transported. The bears are very small, weighing between 50-60kg each, due to poor care. Their former owner says he hopes they will have better lives.

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One of the bears being rescued from Nguyen Ngoc Tien farm. All four bears were able to be moved without the use of anaesthetic.


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