Unearthing Extraterrestrial Mysteries: A Man in the U.K. Discovers a Mysterious UFO Crash Site in the Woods – Watch the Video Unveiling.

This discovery comes to us from Meddon, Devon England, as a random pedestrian actually came across the discovery of a lifetime while walking his dog.Many believe that the reason as to why we cannot actually see the alien spacecraft as they enter our atmosphere and begin looking over us spying our every move is the fact that they have insane camouflaging technology.

This theory was recently supported by Ben Landricombe as he reported to Cornwall Live that what he came across on Monday is clearly a UFO crash site. The UFO in question was still camouflaged as you cannot actually see it in the video but you can actually hear the screaming from the dying aliens.

We do not know the reason why they crashed, but we can see the fact that the forest was ravaged by it and that most importantly the screams are definitely there and they’re definitely not human.

Scott C. Waring confirmed this on his own blog stating that it is some of the greatest footage of a UFO crash he’d ever come across.

But if you think this is strange you should know that it’s not the only one of its kind as a woman from Glasgow also came across a UFO sighting not too long ago in November as she was walking her dog.

Not only that, but another dog walker from Perranporth Beach discovered a series of UFO-like flashing lights in the sky not even a month ago.

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