“Urgent Appeal: Assistance Sought for 12-Year-Old’s Facial Tumor Treatment”

12 year old Daniel was born with a face tumor.

Parents say by when he was young the tumor was too small and they could see it not as a threat.

As the boy grew, the fascial tumor also grew and now the boy’s life is at stake.

Where parents are afraid that, if not treated, these tumors might also cover the other eye and he might end up being blind, is the mother to Daniel?

She has some small tumors around her body, but at least for her she has developed some confidence than the child.

She says the boy never wants to come out of the house.

He always wants to lock himself inside and most times they force him out as he feels ashamed due to his fascia tumor.

Himself looking different, he prefers locking himself in the house.

But the role of his parents is to always encourage and motivate the boy, telling him that one day this will come to an end.

The boy thinks he should come in public, the day will be treated and will be having a normal life.

Foreign says this boy was born with an eye problem, but it was not a big deal by then, as I could take the boy to the hospital for treatment.

They were given some medicine to apply on his face as they visited a lot of hospitals, but none of them ever provided the solution to the boy’s tumor.

Right now she’s worried.

She says they tried their best, but the tumor keeps growing big and covering the whole face.

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